The Journey to Blockchain 2.0 and DeFi
Blockchain 2.0 and DeFi will most certainly exhibit a hockey-stick profile, but work is needed to get there.
Why RegTech is a “must have” in the post-COVID landscape…
If RegTech isn’t part of your firm’s strategy, you may be losing ground to your competition.
Digital Transformation: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach
A successful digital strategy requires a multi-disciplinary approach that engages business stakeholders, IT and customers, alike.
The Evolution of Blockchain and DLT
The trajectory of blockchain and DLT adoption in financial services has tracked the typical hype-cycle path, but offers real and transformational value when applied to the right use-cases.
The Lasting Impact of COVID-19 on the Workplace and Workforce
There will be lasting changes to both the workplace and workforce, even after the COVID-19 threat abates.
Understanding Digital Transformation in Financial Services
The journey to Digital Business Transformation requires a strategic vision and the leadership to drive substantive organizational change.
Managed Services and Offshoring in a COVID-19 World
For the duration of COVID-19 and beyond, there are crucial steps that can be taken to limit the impact to global business operations.
Digital Transformation in Private Markets
Can a digital strategy help alternative managers thrive amidst growing competition and diminishing returns?
Redefining Alpha
In a world of increasingly commoditized product, is Client Experience the new alpha?
Becoming a Digital and Data Enterprise
What does it take to drive a successful digital transformation?